Water-Extracted Fulvic Acid® X200 - Optimally Organic
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Water-Extracted Fulvic Acid® X200 - Optimally Organic
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200

Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200

Regular price$47.99
Exclusive Patented Cold Water Extracted
Fulvic Ionic Minerals X200™

Bio-available Plant-Based Ionic Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid, Electrolytes, Every Essential Amino Acid, & 77 Trace Minerals in their ionic (aka nano or angstrom) form. Cleanse the body of Radiation, Heavy Metals (including Lead, Aluminum & Mercury), Petrochemicals, Plastics and Graphine Oxide. The Secret to Optimal Health & Longevity!

108 Servings per Bottle!

Once Optimally Organic Fulvic X200™ comes into contact with a cell, they both balance and energize that cell’s life and biological properties. Once that cell is restored to its correct chemical balance and electrical potential, it is given  life and improvement, where death and disintegration would otherwise occur. This is possible due to Humic Acid’s ability to break down salt acids that build up around the surface of our cell membranes over time. Fulvic Acid can now freely, without restriction of these unwanted salt acids, transport nutrients into our cells, as it was made to do. Fulvic Acid can also now carry toxins with it, out of the cells.

Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid will safely cleanse inorganic matter such as Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from the body. Without this process taking place, heavy metals would otherwise remain lodged in various cell tissues creating havoc. This ability alone (and it does so much more) makes Fulvic Ionic Minerals the most important health supplement of our time. Safe and effective for you, and your pets!

New research shows Fulvic Acid has a Chelation effect on Graphene Oxide. This makes Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ our highest recommendation for anyone seeking to cleanse this from their body. (114)
  • Fulvic Acid will alkaline the body faster than any other natural health product on earth.
  • Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid, Trace Minerals & Essential Amino Acids are required for a myriad of metabolic functions, yet cannot be produced by the body.
  • Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid work together to cleanse unwanted salt acids that surround & harden cell walls, creating cell permeability.
  • Fulvic Acid is the electrolyte that makes our cells able to absorb nutrients and is a multi-directional antioxidant.
  • Fulvic Acid has up to 77 Macro and Trace Minerals, naturally occurring in their ionic (nano) form.
  • Fulvic Acid compounds itself with other Super-Foods, Vitamins, and Herbs allowing them to be better absorbed and effectively utilized by the body.
  • Fulvic Acid will feed and nourish every cell in the body, which in turn will allow an increase in energy, mental clarity, and sense of well being.

    Optimally Organic Fulvic Acid Hero

    Optimally Organic produces the purest Fulvic Acid containing product on the planet from the richest source on planet earth. It is located in a forested region in the Southern United States, with its own pure water aquifer naturally filtering the rich plant-based humic shale deposits that we use in our products. This miraculous product that contains no heavy metals was created when a massive glacier pushed lush rainforest underground 40 million years ago.

    This land is protected from human contamination to help people around the world, and to guarantee the purest product. And we are proud to say that we never strip mine.

    Our proprietary Organic 3-year process enables us to give you the purest and most concentrated bio-available fulvic acid in the world. We never use acids or chemicals of any kind in our extraction process, just distilled water. We guarantee the highest levels of social, ecological, and processing standards. 

    Because it has Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid levels higher than any other source on earth, our Fulvic Ionic Minerals are not only the most pure, but the most concentrated.


    Scientists have found the Fulvic Acid in Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ is the catalyst for living cells to absorb nutrients, resulting in a dramatic impact on all kinds of "major health disorders" that afflict us today. Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ make the food, herbs, and supplements you take more effective, because they make them bio-available.

    Fulvic Ionic Minerals are said to be "the most powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger known".

    Fulvic Acid has the exceptional ability to render free radicals harmless by reacting with both negatively and positively charged, unpaired electrons. They can either alter them into new usable compounds or eliminate them as waste. Fulvic Ionic Minerals cleanse heavy metals and cleanse the body of pollutants.

    Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ is considered the "missing link" to optimal health and wellness.

    Two time Nobel Prize winner and renowned scientist, Dr. Linus Pauling, stated to the 74th Congress of the United States back in 1936, "Every ailment, every sickness, and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency."

    Modern U.S. agricultural practices within the last 75 years have nearly eradicated all naturally occurring Complexed Ionic Trace Minerals found in Fulvic Ionic Minerals out of our soil. In doing so, we have eliminated these naturally occurring, indispensable elements from completely out of our diet.

    Organic Plant Based Ionic Trace Minerals are the "gift of life" and cellular function becomes impossible without them!

    "Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and meats of today are not what they were just a few generations ago. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health." (quote from the United States Senate Document 264 printed in 1936.


    Millions of years ago shifting tectonic plates and massive glaciers moved over the southern united states trapping the dense nutrient rich rain-forest land beneath them. The bountiful energy laden plant life and soil remained in the earth for 40 million years, combining and changing into the humic shale from which our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ come from today. There are few places in the world where you can find these humate deposits, and none that are as pure a source of Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ as this land. It is more concentrated and more effective than any other humate deposits or zeolite. Our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ are able to penetrate your cells more effectively because they have the lowest molecular weight possible. We have found that the humates from New Mexico are far too high in carbon, making them all too ineffective.

    It is a common misconception that plants are able to process undissolved minerals directly from the soil. This is incorrect because the molecules are simply too large for the plants to process, it is simply physically impossible. So God in all his wisdom created the perfect solution to this problem: He created microbes that are able to work at the roots of plants and trees to create what we call "Fulvic Acid". Fulvic Acid assist the plants' ability to uptake this mineral rich substance, producing plants that are healthy and able to create essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. The excess Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ not utilized by the plants are then washed down through the soil into the drinking water. In doing so, this helps to create a nutrient rich water source for all to enjoy.

    However because man has discovered that by using pesticides and chemicals, one could force the quantity and size of their crops, things no longer work so harmoniously. What mankind didn't realize is the use of these chemicals has killed the extremely beneficial microbes in the soil that are required to create the vital Fulvic Acid. Unfortunately the consequences to throwing off this natural balance of minerals was ignored and the importance of raising Healthy plants was set aside and replaced by a need to raise big, shiny, profitable, and less labor intensive crops. Without the protection and nourishment of Fulvic Acid in the soil, plants are susceptible to diseases, which necessitates the use of chemical pesticides and similarly harmful products that further destroy any beneficial microbes that may still remain in the soil, creating a degenerative cycle of destruction.

    At Optimally Organic we understand that everything in life is interconnected. What is put into the soil is transferred to the crops we harvest and is then absorbed into our bodies when we consume said plants. One might choose to stay on the current path they are on now and continue eating foods laden with harmful chemicals and lacking in necessary nutrients, or they can choose to make a change for the better. People often wonder why it seems poor health conditions appear so suddenly, and once manifested they never truly seem to be "cured" from their ailments. The answer to this question is very simple. Disease starts at the cellular level, long before any serious symptoms appear, And by the time the body has been damaged enough to show these symptoms it is usually severely damaged indeed. If one continually chooses to consume products that are mineral and vitamin deficient, they cannot expect to maintain optimal health year after year.


    • Our Fulvic Acid is Water-Extracted without Chemicals using a proprietary and patented process that is 100% from nature.

    • Optimally Organic has the purest source of Bio-available Fulvic Ionic Minerals in the world, extracted from a freshwater/saltwater source of humic shale from the southern part of the United States that is NOT laden in heavy metals like our competitors' fulvic acid sources.

    • Optimally Organic Fulvic Ionic Minerals contain silver ions, which is healthy for you and helps preserve the Fulvic Ionic Minerals naturally for many,, many years, while our competitors' Fulvic Acid products develop yeast growth within just 9-12 months.

    • We offer the most concentrated source of Fulvic Ionic Minerals - our 2oz bottle of X350 provides a full 6 month supply for about the same price as our competitors' 1 - 2 month supply!

    • We will always offer the guaranteed lowest price per dose because we are the manufacturer and have no "middle man".

    • Our Fulvic Ionic Minerals are NOT extracted from leonardite, coal, fossilized peat, or humates from New Mexico that are high in carbon like most of our competitors.

    • Of all products containing Fulvic Acid, our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ are proven to contain the highest levels of Pure Fulvic Acid!

    • Our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ are packaged in glass cobalt bottles, not in plastic bottles that leach toxic dioxins into the Fulvic Ionic Minerals (Fulvic Acid is highly reactive). Most of our competitors sell a tainted, toxic product in a plastic bottle to save themselves money, at your expense

    • We contribute 10% of all profits to non-profit organizations focused on providing life essentials to those most in need.

    • Our Fulvic Ionic Minerals are of the highest quality, at the lowest price!

"What are Some of the Functions of Fulvic Ionic Minerals™?"

Plant-Based Ionic Trace Minerals have been stripped from our food and supplements almost entirely and are among the hardest elements to come by! Plant-Based Trace Minerals used to be abundant in our soil, but they were depleted due to modern conventional farming, and modern organic farming practices have not resolved this issue. If our soil is without trace minerals, our plants and crops will not contain trace minerals. If our plants and crops do not have trace minerals, then neither do we or the animals we eat!

Vitamins, Omega Fatty Acids, Enzymes, & Organic Trace Minerals are all needed by the body in order to work correctly. Each of the elements needs to work in conjunction with the others in order to be utilized by the body. For example: If someone wanted to use Vitamin C to treat a cold, taking a large dose of Vitamin C would not on its own be sufficient to treat it. The person trying to stop the cold would have to take increased levels of Vitamin B6, as well as Vitamin B12, zinc, folic acid, choline, and have Organic Trace Minerals present with Vitamin C. If any of the other elements were not present insufficient quantities, the Vitamin C on its own would not stop the cold. If we try to eat right and supplement our diets correctly, we are on the fast track to achieving optimum results when it comes to health and well being .

Of the many functions Fulvic Acid are able to perform, one of the most important is to balance and energize all cell life and biological properties it comes into contact with. Over time, our cell walls have become stiffer and thicker, mainly due to the diminished nutritional value of our food, so they are unable to absorb as many vital nutrients or adequate oxygen supplies as they once did. It has been reported that Fulvic ionic minerals™ have the ability to repair oxygen deficiency within the body and increase the cellular activity by providing hydrogen. This is one of the main reasons why so many people gain new energy when they start taking Fulvic Ionic Minerals™. It helps provide stressed-out cells with the nutrients, oxygen, and hydrogen they need in order to function properly. Ultimately, if you can restore individual cells to their normal chemical equilibrium and electrical potential, then you have given those cells new life and the ability to function at peak performance levels. It has been reported that Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ have the ability to "induce revitalization" of cells by flooding them with nutrients, thus providing the body with a boost of energy and vitality. The Humic Acid contained in our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ increases the permeability of cells so nutrients are able to be absorbed faster, while allowing waste to rapidly leave. Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ act as a transporter and their low molecular weight allows them to carry nutrients into cells both quickly and efficiently.

Be Aware, though, not all products containing Fulvic Acid are equal. Some Fulvic Acid products are high in molecular weight due to their high heavy metal content, and come from poor deposits in Utah and the Dakotas.

We are aware that certain diseases are not caused by outside invaders, but instead by the immune system's defense mechanisms attacking the body itself. Though this image of the body in essence fighting itself can be settling, know that one of the unique characteristics of Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ is the powerful response that is triggered when they stimulate the immune system. The immune system aids the body in its ability to combat viruses, pathogens, and bacterial infections of all kinds.

In addition to carrying essential nutrients into the cell, our Fulvic Ionic Minerals™ have been shown to function as an excellent natural cleanse of toxins, in essence rendering them harmless to the body. Harmful free radicals are known to circulate throughout the body, and are known to injure tissue, alter genes, disrupt crucial processes, foster cell mutations, and make cells susceptible to a variety of infections and diseases. These free radicals are a major factor in contributing to nearly all situations of medical maladies that people are  suffering from  today. Fulvic Acid is believed to bond with these free radicals, transforming them into organic and usable substances or, if the case that they have caused substantial damage, are broken down and eliminated from the body as waste.


At Optimally Organic we take careful consideration into the types of packaging we use in all the products we sell. We realize that there are many steps that need to be properly implemented from start to finish in order to provide you with a finished product that works. If even one of the steps is even slightly compromised, the finished product can come out ineffective and possibly harmful/toxic to the consumer. We were tired of all the herbs, supplements, vitamins and super foods that we were taking not working to their full potential because someone had not paid careful attention to detail or cut corners along the way. If Fulvic Ionic Minerals are packaged in anything other than a glass container, the effectiveness of the product is greatly diminished due to its highly reactive nature, rendering it completely useless and possibly toxic.

Studies have shown that due to the low molecular weight of Fulvic Ionic Minerals™, they have the ability to readily dissolve and bond minerals and nutritional elements into their molecular structure. Since Fulvic Acid has the ability to break down and bond to whatever they come into contact with, it makes sense that they are going to bond to and thus break down whatever they are stored in. Fulvic has the unique ability to react with both negatively and positively charged unpaired electrons and thus neutralize the dangers free radicals pose to the body.


Our competitors will never openly tell you that the products they sell can be potentially harmful to your body. For instance, why will they readily agree to the importance of avoid drinking water stored in plastic containers, but then tell you its perfectly safe to consume their highly reactive products in the very same plastic containers. At the very least, this is perplexing. Do not be fooled. There are no safe plastic containers when it comes to Fulvic Acid products. But surely these products would not be available for human consumption if they were truly harmful, right? Think again. Consider the checkered history of  the tobacco industry. For decades tobacco companies managed to discredit any study showing cigarettes to be harmful. This was mainly because their own scientists were threatened into silence about findings that spotlighted the inherent harm of their products. If you would like more information about this important health issue, please feel free to check out some of the supporting links below.


 1. Senesi, N. (1990). Analytica Chimica Acta, 232, 51-75. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 2. Vital electrolytes – Baker, W.E. (1973). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 37, 269-281. 3. Gamble, D.S., & Schnitzer, M. (1974). Trace Metals and Metal-Organic Interactions in Natural Waters. Ann Arbor, Mi: Ann Arbor Science. 4. Power of an electorlyte – Crile, G. (1926). A bipolar theory of living processes. New York: McMillan. 5. Decrease in electrical potential - Crile, G. (1926). A bipolar theory of living processes. New York: McM

6. Powerful electrolyte - Jackson, William R. (1993). Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning, 329. Evergreen, Colorado: Jackson Research Center. 7. New Electronic Encyclopedia. (1991). Photosynthesis. Grolier Electronic Publishing. 8. Donor and acceptor – Jackson, William R. (1993). Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning. Evergreen, Colorado: Jackson Research Center. 9. Donor and receptor - Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of marine humic substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 10. Donor, receptor - Sposito, G., Holtzclaw, K.M., LeVesque, C.S., & Johnston, C.T.(1982). Trace metal chemistry in arid-zone field soils amended with sewage sludge. II. Comparative study of the fulvic acid fraction. Soil Science Society America Journal, 46. 265-270. 11. Mineral complexes in fulvic may serve as electrodes – Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of marine humic substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 12. Free radical – Senesi, N. (1990) Analytica Chmica Acta, 232, 51-75. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 13. Free radical – Senesi, N., Chen, Y., & Schnitzer, M. (1977b). The role of humic acids in extracellular electron transport and chemical determination of pH in natural waters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 9,397-403. 14. Oxidation reduction – Senesi, N., Chen, Y., & Schnitzer, M. (1977b). The role of humic humic acids in extracellular electron transport and chemical determination of pH in natural wates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 9, 397-403. 15. Dissolves metals and minerals – Ong, H.L., Swanson, V.D., & Bisque, R.E. (1970) Natural organic acids as agents of chemical weathering (130-170). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700 c. Washngton, DC: U.S. Geological Survey. 16. Enhance and transport nutrients – Christman, R.F., & Gjessing, E.T. (1983). Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials. The Butterworth Grove, Kent, England: Ann Arbor Science. Also: Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertilty of the Sea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, and New York: Gordon and Breach Science) 17. Enhance and transport nutrients – Prakish, A. (1971). Fertility of the Sea, 2, 351-368. 18. Williams, S. T. (1963). Are antibiotics produced in soil? Pedobiologia, 23, 427-435. 19. Stimulate growth - Konovona, M.M. (1966). Soil organic matter. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon. 20. All known vitamins in soil – Konovova, M. M. (1966). Soil organic matter. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon. 

21. Many times its weight- Deb, B. C. (1949). The movement and precipitation of iron oxides in podzol soils. Journal of Soil Science, 1, 112-122. 22. Catalyzes enzyme reactions – Khristeva, L. A., Luk'Yanonko, M.V. (1962). Role of physiologically active substances in soil-humic acids, bitumens and vitamins B, C, P-P A and D in the life of plants and their replenishment. oviet Soil Science, 10, 1137-1141. 23. Fulvic and enzymes – Pardue, H.L, Townshend, A., Clere, J.T., VanderLinden (Eds.), (1990, May 1). Analytica chimica Acta, Special Issue, Humic and Fulvic compounds, 232 (1), 1-235. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers) 24. Increase assimilation - Buffle 25. Low molecular weight, Aiken, G.R., McKnight, D.M., & VacCarthy, P.1985). Humic substances of soil, sediment and water, New York: Wiley-Interscience. 26. Sensitize cell membranes- Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Spriner-Verlag. 27. Stimulte metabolism-Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 28. Genetic and growth - Jackson, William R. (1993). Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning, 538. Evergreen, Colorado: Jackson Research Center. 29. Oxygen is absorbed – Kononova, M.M. (1966). Soil organic matter. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon. 30. Rapid transport to shoots - Kononova, M.M. (1966). Soil organic matter. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon 31. Immune system – Syltic, P.W. (1985). Effects of very small amounts of highly active biological substances on plant growth. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 2, 245-269; and, Research reports and studies, Appropriate Technology Ltd. Dallas, TX: Murray Sinks II of ATL (Publisher). 32. Modify damage by toxic compounds – Christman, R.F., & Gjessing, E.T. (1983). Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials. The Butterworth Grove, Kent, England: Ann Arbor Science. Also: Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed.), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertility of the Sea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, and New York: Gordon and Breach Science.) 33. Paraquat - Fisher, A.M., Winterle, J.S., & Mill, T. (1967). Primary photochemical processes in photolysis mediated by humic substances. In R.G. Zika & W. J. Cooper (Eds). Photochemistry of environmental aquatic system (141-156). (ACS Sympoium Series 327). Washington DC: American Chemical Society. 34. Pesticides - Aiken, G.R., McKnight, D.M., & MacCarthy, P. (1985). Humic substances os oil, 

sediment and water. New York: Wiley-Interscience. 35. Radioactive properties - Szalay, A. (1958). The signifiicance of humus in the geochemical enrichment of uranium. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 2, 12-186 (London: Pergamon) 36. Dissolves and weathers silica- Huang, W.H., & Deller, W.D. (1970). Dissolution of rock-forming silicate minerals in organic acids; simulated first-stage weathering of fresh mineral surfaces. American Mineralogical Journal, 55, 2076-2094. 37. Dissolves silica- Kodama, H., Schnitzer, M., & Jaakkimainen, M. (1983). Chlorite and biotite weathering by fulvic acid solutions in closed and open systems. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 63, 619-629. 38. Transmutate or synthesis of new minerals - Shnitzer, M., Dodama. H. (1977). Reactions of minerals with soil humic substances. In J.B. Dixon & S.B. Weed (Eds.), Minerals in soil environments (Chap.21)). Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. 39. See “The Fulvic Acid, Vegetal Silica Miracle” later in this report, and further documentation of Kervran, Louis C, Biological Transmutations. 40. Cell elongation - Poapst, P.A., & Schnitzer, M. (1971). Fulvic acid and adventitious root formation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 3, 215-219. 41. Enhance permeability of cell membranes – Christman, R.F., & Gjessing, E.T. (1983). Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials. The Butterworth Grove, Kent, England: Ann Arbor Science. Also: Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed.), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertility of the Sea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, and New York: Gordon and Breach Science) low molecular weight, Aiken, G.R., McKnight, D.M., & VacCarthy, P. 1985). Humic substances of soil, sediment and water, New York: Wiley – Interscience. 42. Sensitizing agent – Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed.), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertility of the Sea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, andNew York: Gordon and Breach Science) 43. Increase metabolism of proteins – Christman, R.F., & Gjessing, E.T. (1983). Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials. The Butterworth Grove, Kent, England: Ann Arbor Science. Also: Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed.), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertility of the Sea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, and New York: Gordon and Breach Science) 44. Proteins, DNA, RNA – Khristeva, L.A., Soloche, K.I., Dynkina, R.L., Kovalenko, V.E., & Gorobaya, A.I. (1967). Influence of physiologically active substances of soil humus and fertilizers on nucleic acid metabolism, plant growth and subsequent quality of the seeds. Humus et Planta, 4, 272-276. 

45. Proteins, DNA, RNA – Jackson, William R. (1993). Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning, 569-570. Evergreen, Colorado: Jackson Research Center. 46. Synthesis of RNA and DNA – Khristeva, L.A. (1968). About the nature of physiologically active substances of the soil humus and of organic fertilizers and their agricultural importance. In F.V. Hernando (Ed,), Pontifica academec scientarium citta del vaticano (701-721). New York: John Wiley. 47. Catalyst to vitamins within the cell – Williams, Dr. Roger J. (1977). The Wonderful World Within You. Bio-Communications Press. Wichita, Kansas. 48. Transport metal ions – Schnitzer, M., & Khan, S.U. (1972). Humic substances in the environment New York: Decker. 49. Acidity of fulvic acid – Schnitzer, M. (1977). Recent findings of the characterization of humic substances extracted fromsoils from widely differing climatic zones. Proceedings of the Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Studies, Braunsweig (117-131). 50. Environment with adeequate oxygen – Schnitzer, M. (1977). Recent findings of the characterization of humic substances extracted from soils from widely differing climatic zones. Proceedings of the Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Studies, Braunsweig (117-131). 51. Low molecular weight – Aiken, G. R., McKnight, D.M., & MacCarthy, P. 1985). Humic substances of soil, sediment and water, New York: Wiley-Interscience. 52. Absorption by cells – Azo, S. & Sakai, I (1963). Studies on the physiological effects of humic acid. Part 1. Uptake of humic acid by crop plants and its physiological effects. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 9(3), 1-91. (Tokyo) 53. Translocation of trace elements to leaf tissues – Aiken, G.R., McKnight, D.M., & VacCarthy,P. 1985). Humic substances of soil, sediment and water, New York: Wiley-Interscience. 54. Important for the health of plants – Christman, R.F., & Gjessing, E.T. (1983). Aquatic and terrestrial humic materials. The Butterworth Grove, Kent, England: Ann Arbor Science. Also: Prakash, A. (1971). Terrigenous organic matter and coastal phytoplankton fertility. In J.D. Costlow (Ed.), Fertility of the sea, 2, 351-368. (Proceedings of an International Symposium on Fertility of the Sca, Sao Paulo, Brazil, London, and New York: Gordon and Breach Science) 55. Depleted minerals in soil – Senate Document #264. 56. Impossible to define- Vaughan, D., & Malcolm, R.E. (1985b). Soil organic matter and biological activity. Plant and soil Science, 16, 1-443. (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr.W.Junk) 57. Unable to be synthesized – not clearly defined. Murray, K., & Linder, P.W. (1983). Fulvic acids: Structure and metal binding. I. A random molecular model. Journal of Soil Science, 34, 511-523. 

58. Unable to define – Senesi, N., Chen, Y., & Schnitzer, M. (1977b). the role of humic acids in extracellular electron transport and chemical determination of pH in natural waters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 9, 397-403. 59. Effect on total Earth environment – Buffle, J. (1988). Complexation reactions in aquatic systems: An analytical approach. Chichester: Horwood. 60. Transmutate or synthesis of new minerals – Shnitzer, M., & Dodama, H. (1977). Reactions of minerals with soil humic substances. In J.B. Dixon & S.B. Weed (Eds.), Minerals in soil environments (Chap. 21)). Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. 61. complex more metal – Rashid, M.A. (1971). Role of humic acids of marine origin and their different molecular weight fractions in complexing Di-and Triavalent metals. Soil Science, 111, 298-306. 62. Dissolves more metal – Hoffman, M.R., Yost, E.C., Eisenreich, S.J., & Mairer, W.J. (1981). Characterization of soluble and colloidal phase metal complexes in river water ultrafiltration. A mass balance approach. Environmental Science Technology, 15, 655. 63. Mineral levels in excess of their assumed dissolution ability – Kodama, H., Schnitzer, M., & Jaakkimainen, M. (1983). Chlorite and biotite weathering by fulvic acid solutions in closed and open systems. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 63, 619-629. 64. Penetration of fulvic into plant cells – Prat, S., Smidova, M., & Cincerova, A.L. (1961). Penetration and effect of humus substances (fractions) on plant cells. International Congress of Biochemistry, 5th (Abstract Commun. 329). (Moscow) 65. “Free Radical” - Senesi, N. (1990) Analytica Chimica Acta, 232, 51-75. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 66. Vital electrolytes – Backer, W.E. (1973) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 37, 269-281. 67. Enhance and transport nutrients – Prakash, A. (1971). Fertility of the Sea, 2, 351-368. 68. Make water wetter – Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 69. Catalyze enzyme reactions – Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 70. Increase assimilation – Buffle, J. (1988). Complexation Reactions in Aquatic Systems: An Analytical Approach. Chichester: Horwood. 71. Stimulate metabolism – Rashid, M.A. (1985). Geochemistry of Marine Humic Substances. New York: Springer-Verlag. 72. Chelate…major and trace elements – Rashid, M.A. (1971). Soil Science, 111, 298-306. 

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